Steeped In Our Own Sentience

Our sentience is the infinite luminosity of God. By sentience I mean our capacity to sense, perceive, or be aware of anything at all. When we don’t use this sentience for any one thing, meaning, we aren’t trying to direct it, or influence it in any way, but rather rest in its luminosity we are abiding in God.

By abiding in this light we become aware of its unfolding Presence, wisdom and guidance. This is the truest definition of prayer and meditation, to commune with our luminous, sentient nature.

Here, our sentience, our capacity to perceive comes in contact with itself by perceiving the actual movement, the alive act of perceiving. Become conscious of your capacity to be conscious. Sense and feel your capacity to sense and feel. Become aware of being aware. Then just rest as this capacity and movement of being conscious.

Although the light of sentience, the light of awareness does not need any help from you - for you as ego do not create it; awareness simply is without effort - when you become conscious of being sentient, its luminosity brightens and multiplies in your experience. This reveals that only your most intimate core is this luminosity, but that everything is.

Here’s a short meditation guiding you into this space:


Living Emptiness


A Love Riddle